un·or·tho·dox (ŭn-ôr’thə-dŏks’)
adj. Breaking with convention or tradition; not orthodox.

Faith is composed of two interconnected pieces – doxis and praxis. In English, “belief” and “action.”  To be orthodox is to supposedly hold to the right beliefs.

In religious circles, the term has been used historically to define the beliefs (and erroneously, the practices) of the Eastern Church as opposed to the Western, or Roman, Church.  But it is also used in evangelical circles as a synonym for the doctrinal fundamentals of Christian belief such as the deity of Christ, the virgin birth and the like.

Orthodoxy claims to be the historically correct version of Christian belief; but often it is simply the current version of Christian belief that is held to be historically correct by whatever group of Christians using the word at the time.

To seek out unorthodox ways is to consider how the “right way”, or more appropriately the “right ways” might be wrong.

And this is the reason for our manifesto.

We are not seeking to destroy Christianity.  We are not planning to rediscover or reform what exists today.

This unorthodoxy is simply questions.  We no longer desire to simply accept that what our camp or tradition holds as orthodox must be orthodox.

Below is an outline of this developing manifesto.  Explore it and question it.